vendredi 2 décembre 2011

damned alot

ok ! here we go for a new post,

my blog is the only way where can i descripe my seious deception about my self as a girl i dunno i 

don't feel confident at all and the reason is that i'm shy and i can't even speak straightly with pple 

and i said it again 'cause i'm  SHY  so whatever,

since i was a kid a little girl with those mini dresses it was cute but inside my soul i was a very 

solitaire or lonly kid, i was like playing alone not too much but yeah i liked to be alone, i was 

affraid from the other kids especially "THE boys" i can ply with girls most of the time but other 

times i was lonley !

and now when i'm 22 i still getting shy and i don't know, my relationships was cool, i used to had 

bestie friend but she's gone, she doesn't even thought about me it's really sad! besides i tried to 

call her, maybe she've changed her phone number and she's getting super deep in her life

 forgetting about her best friend, well i can tell you it was hard for me, but yeah; i'm asking my self 

many times why ME ! i'm like KIND with eveyone !! and then .... and then they let me GO ! ok 

maybe 'cause i'm So Kind to them that they thought that they can walk above my Face ! it's not 

GONNA F¤$#cking happend well it happend ( -___-)' . 

so this is for today i don't knwo if pple just read my blog or not , if yes give me a signe plz if not i'll 

be damned and doomed and despereted, and i'll know that i have to let go blogging and let go the 

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